Why and Who Use Termux

Hello friends welcome again in the world of Termux Tech. As we all now familiar with what is Termux and how to install Termux on Android let's see Why to use Termux for hacking and Who use it

Topic include :

  • Why to Use Termux
  • Who Use Termux
  • Termux in Programming
  • Conclusion

Why to Use Termux

There are lots of reason why to choose Termux. As it help in many ways , by running various programs including python,c++, java , bash bash and many more and also help in launching various hacking Tools without any hassle.
It is really easy to use.

Here is detailed information on it.

No Root required

If you want to use such app which provides facility of Terminal and perform such task, you must root your device but in case of Termux you don't need to Root Your Device. Only certain specific hacking scripts required Root access

No Setup or Maintenance Required

You have not to spend your precious time in setup or installation.

A single line command update and fix all the problems of Termux and you can download any package by putting its name in one-liner command

Termux is easy to use: 

Suppose you are doing the man-in-the-middle attack at the victims network , and you are using a Desktop or Laptop for attack and you successfully exploit the network but everybody suspect on you that probably you did that

but If you use a smartphone ,which is common for everyone, no one suspect on you and you safely escape from there.

Programming languages

On my personal thought, I mostly use Termux for programming.

It supports vast variety of programming language like Golang, Lua, Php, C\C++, python ,Java s, Ruby ,rust go, and much more.

You can create program file and run it on your Android phone easily.

It help most of the Computer Students in learning programming like me who does not have Desktop or laptop.

Advance Programming Supported

Termux Support most of the today's Advanced Programming Language like JAVA , Python , C/C++ , C# , Ruby , PHP , Bash and other Language.

You can get many Python or PHP scripts online for hacking, you can run it using Termux easily.

Many Packages available 

Packages in termux allow you to do the various task, There are thousands of Packages available on Termux Database and you cal install them freely

The size of packages are small and you can uninstall them with single command. Termux host almost all Linux Package.

Termux Convert your Android into a Hack Machine by Making availability of Linux Terminal

Who use Termux

Everyone who wants to use Termux, He can Install And Use Termux

But the question is that who need it, So let's see


Anyone who wants to do programming or learn programming, they try out the Termux.

As I told earlier, Termux support almost all languages you can write and run it on Termux but limitation is that Termux is not Graphical Interface,
So you can only run Command Line Interface

Pentesting and Cybersecurity

 If you are a learning cyber security and want to be practical what you are learning, You can with it.

You can also perform cyber attacks like MITM, SQL Injection, Network Exploitation, WebCam Hacking, Network Spoofing and Much more without investing any money.

Computer Student

If you are studying in CS or IT branch you are dealing with various programs and command line task.

As you know you can take use of Termux anywhere, at any time with a smartphone, you can perform that tasks easily without carrying your heavy laptop or desktop


Hackers use Termux as a alternative of there operating system.

As Android is easy to carry then Tablet or Laptop they use it as remote device to perform simple cyber attacks.


As now you are aware of Termux and also know the advantages of Termux. You are now know what you can do with Termux and Who use it.

It is widely used by Noon Hackers for performing simple cyber attack including Android Hacking without Root

And by Students to learn and run Various programming languages.

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