Where many users are finding their peace in this AI-based communication interface: ChatGPT, a lot of them are victims of the “Too Many Requests In 1 Hour Try Again Later” error message. They are not being able to access the interface and this bug is driving them crazy. In this article, I have explained this bug in detail. Go on further!
Hello friends welcome back and I hope you must heard about ChatGPT, some enjoy it and some of them face problems during using of the AI .
So let me first explain in brief what the ChatGPT is actually.
ChatGPT (short for "Chat Generative Pre-training Transformer") is an AI-powered chatbot developed by OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research company . Which is based on language processing of AI and ML.
With this help of this AI model. You query in the form of text and it generated response for your queries.
So now let's see how we can troubleshoot the problem. Too many request in one hour.
What is the Reason For “Too Many Requests In 1 Hour Try Again Later” In ChatGPT Error?
Though it is still unclear as to why ChatGPT is showing the “Too Many Requests In 1 Hour Try Again Later” error message, again and again, many users have doubts that it is because of the enabled VPN.
If you are using ChatGPT with an enabled VPN, try disabling VPN and see if the error message disappears or not.
How to Fix “Too Many Requests In 1 Hour Try Again Later” In ChatGPT Error?
- Disable VPN
- Refresh the page
- Close ChatGPT and reopen it again
- Login to your ChatGPT account again
In conclusion, the "Too Many Requests In 1 Hour Try Again Later" error message in ChatGPT can be quite frustrating for users. Although the exact cause of this error is still unclear, it is believed to be related to the use of VPNs.
To troubleshoot this issue, users can try disabling their VPN, refreshing the page, closing and reopening ChatGPT, or logging back into their account. By following these simple steps, users can hopefully resolve the error and continue to enjoy the features of this powerful AI-powered chatbot developed by OpenAI.
It is a powerful tool for natural language processing tasks, such as language translation, text summarization, and question answering, but it's important to consider the usage limit and the bug that may arise during the usage.
source https://termux-tech.blogspot.com/2023/02/error-too-many-requests-in-1-hour-try.html
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