How To Install WireShark In Termux

 Hello friends, meeting you all after a long time. Hope you all are good.

So, in today's article I am going to tell you how to install Wireshark in Termux Android without root.

{tocify} $title={ Table of Contents }

What is Wireshark ?

Wireshark is a linux tool which is a very popular network packet analyzer application. It is a network protocol analyzer, or an application that captures packets from a network connection, such as from your computer to your home office or the internet. besides that Wireshark is commonly used for network troubleshooting, packets analyzing, etc.

Wireshark Interface Using Termux in Android
Wireshark Interface Using Termux in Android

With the help of this tool, you can capture and analyze network packets in real-time. Wireshark is the most considered tool by Ethical hackers.

Install Wireshark in Termux

As I told you earlier, before installing any package, firstly update all the packages in termux. This also helps in removing error from Termux and make it UpToDate.
apt update && apt upgrade -y

Read Also : Remove Error and Update Termux Error

Now run the following command in termux terminal : 

 pkg install x11-repo

Now, our Termux is ready for Wireshark installation. Install it by the following command : 

apt install wireshark-gtk

Wait for the installation to be finished. It will take approx. 4 to 5 min to install Wireshark. It can take more depending on your internet speed .

Other Requirement

Wireshark has a Graphical User Interface (GUI), while we can run only the Command-line interface tool in Termux. In order to run Wireshark on Termux, we need to install some tools that will help us to run Wireshark on Termux.

To install those tools, run the following command one-by-one :

pkg install xterm

apt install tigervnc

apt install tigervnc-viewer
Now we have to configure Tigervnc in order to configure Tigervnc run command vncserver and press enter.

If it is your first time you are running this command then it will ask you to enter the VNC password. You can enter any password you want. But you must remember the password that you type.

In order for the GUI application to use display, you must set the environment variable with the command :

export DISPLAY=":1"

now the final step, we need to install a VNC viewer remote desktop application for android. VNC viewer will help us to run Wireshark in GUI mode. You can simply install the VNC viewer from Google Playstore.

{getButton} $text={Download VNC from Play Store} $icon={download} $color={Hex Color} 

After successfully installing the VNC viewer. Open the VNC viewer application on your android device.

After opening the application click on + sign. You will see something like this in the below image:

Interface of VNC Viewer on Android
Interface of VNC Viewer on Android

Normally VNC server listens at the localhost i.e and 5901 port.

On Address field add:

And on the name field, you can add anything you like for example Termux, Wireshark etc.

And then click create. After this, you will be promoted to add the password.
Now type the password that you have typed at the time of configuring the VNC server.
Now you are successfully connected. You will see the terminal in the VNC viewer. 

Simply type the following command in VNC viewer order to run Wireshark :

Hence we have successfully installed and run Wireshark on Termux without any kind of error.

To run the Wireshark again simply open Termux and type the following command to run the VNC server :


Then type the following command :

export DISPLAY=":1"

Then go to your Android menu and open VNC viewer android application and click on your machine. Type the password and click on continue. 

In VNC terminal type following command : 



In this article, we have learned what is wireshark, how to install Wireshark in Android using Termux. Read the full article in order to avoid any kind of error.

If you face any error then let me know in the comment section. I will be happy to help you in solving the error. 


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